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[TGB] Dakota



P E R S O N A L    I N F O R M A T I O N

Name | Dakota
Kit Name | Quintus
Nicknames | N/A

Age | 1 Cycle 9 Moons | Born: Summer | 3rd of January

Gender | Male


Breed | Turkish Angora x Russian Blue/Maine Coon

Height | 12.5" - Shoulder

Weight | 9 lbs.

Eye Color | R: Apple Green | L: Apple Green

Fur | Base Color: Dark Grey | Shoulders/Haunches + Dorsal Stripe: Darker Grey | Facial Markings + Belly: White

Build | Though he is still an Blue-Green-Air, Quintus has grown into his body and is no longer undersized for his age. When compared to his litter-mates he is one of, if not the, smallest. His frame is not particularly frail though he is far from burly. As a kit he had slightly weak bones, but with time he has grown more sturdy. Quintus is a little smaller than average height with a lean, wiry build. Overall Quintus is built for speed and though he won’t be a weakling he’ll never be a particularly sizable cat.

Pelt | Quintus possesses a dark pelt with three main colors. He has a white underbelly, chest, and face, along with sprinkles on some of his paws and a base of white on his ears. Dark grey lines his back in a broad dorsal stripe that fades gradually, as well as covering a middle toe on his front left paw and all toes on his right paws. Dark grey fades from the bridge of his nose towards his forehead where his dorsal stripe splits into a three-pronged marking that doesn’t pass the height of his eyes. His nose and inner ears are a dark purple-pink that lines his mouth and paw pads as well. Quintus has a slight bit of fluff at the base of his tail as well as a slight tuft on the end of his tail resembling the larger version his mother possesses. Along his forehead Quintus has a slight line of fluff that shortens as it flows to the top and back of his head before lengthening at his lower neck and shoulders. This dorsal line of fluff ends at his shoulders. Short, dense, somewhat bristly fur covers Quintus and is shed in dense balls of fluff in autumn and spring. His fur is longer and more feathered along the tip of his tail but other than that his coat is generally short and low-maintenance.

Body Language | Quintus generally lacks body language altogether. His face is generally impassive and he rarely even twitches to portray emotion. When frustrated or annoyed he tends to lock gazes with a cat and hold it for an extended period of time. His tail may twitch or he may grind his teeth slightly when angered or annoyed.

Disabilities | None

Scars | None

Accessories | None

Scent | Rosemary and Dried Grasses

T R I B E    I N F O R M A T I O N

Birth Place | Shadow Tribe
Current Tribe | Void Tribe

Rank | Soldier
Previous Ranks | Kitten, Apprentice Guard, Guard

Apprentice | Orpheus
Past Apprentices | N/A

Mentor | N/A
Previous Mentor | Fauna


Skill 1

Sensory Shift

You can change the sensory perception of any object. This does not change the object itself; it only changes what is experienced from it. (The sight/colour, scent/smell, sounds heard, etc.)

Skill 2

Feather-light and Heavy-weight

You can change the density of an inanimate item to make it heavier or lighter.

Skill 3

One Two Three

You can change the molecular stage of an inanimate item. (Solid, liquid, gas.)

Skill 4


You can change the shape of an inanimate item.

Skill 5


You can become intangible, allowing you to move through anything physical.

Skill 6

No Dimension

You can exit the third dimension, flattening yourself against any surface. You are not inhibited by factors of the third dimension such as depth or gravity. (The surface you are occupying must be able to fit your entire body; you cannot exist outside of the edges of this surface. As you are physically a property of the surface that you is occupying, anything that modifies that surface will affect you (Examples: damage sustained, stains, etc). You are capable of moving over surface folds: corners, creases, seams, and the like do not affect you, so long as there is a physical surface for you to move across: however, cracks or holes will impede your movements, as they lack any physical surface. When you are in the second dimension, your depth perception is greatly inhibited; you can look out on the third-dimensional world with ease, but seeing in any direction in the second dimension is nearly impossible from that kind of angle.)

Skill 7

Storage Space

You can create an intangible pocket of space to store inanimate items in. Everything you place in this pocket will remain there when you next activate this power. The more experience you have, the more you can store in this pocket.

Skill 8

It's What's On The Inside That Counts!

You can change the volume of something without altering its physical shape or presence. (ie. a hollow tree may be as big as an entire tribe territory.) How much volume is within the item depends on the amount of time devoted to "expanding" it, and the experience of the user. (It would take season cycles of practice to actually reach the previous example, for context.)

Skill 9


You can manipulate gravity in the following ways; increasing gravity, decreasing gravity, and creating a gravity field/changing the direction of gravity (this allows you to walk upon vertial, or even upside-down, surfaces, and to remain anchored to a moving object).

Skill 10


You can duplicate sections of space, allowing anything (including cats) that enters in one side to exit from the other. (Now you're thinking with portals!)
With experience, you can also this this skill as matter displacement, wherein you can substitute sections of matter for sections of different matter. (Example: Turn a section of solid ground into water - the replaced ground goes to where the water was taken from.)

Skill 11


You can create a field around yourself; anything that comes into contact with the field will be affected by some sort of space manipulation (a randomly generated ability from your roster other than Storage Space).

Skill 12


You can change aspects of your own form to adapt to your surroundings. Only the parts that are vital to the cat's survival can change. (Examples: Gills for water, hollow bones for long falls, echolocation for darkness, etc.) (Not Examples: Feathers, fins, giant ears.)
This skill will completely drain your energy; it can only be used once on succession, and you likely won't have enough energy to activate it again for at least another 24 hours. You can survive just about anything with this skill, but you must have enough time to activate your tattoo and use the ability in order for it to be useful.

Skill 13


You can create or erase matter. You are tantamount to a deity with this power. It will drain you exhaustively, and may only be used once per season by any individual cat. Creating or erasing inanimate objects is easy. Affecting living matter (animals, plants, cats) is extremely difficulty and you may fail if you aren't experienced or if you aren't concentrating.

Skills: Age 4 | Level-Ups: 4

P E R S O N A L I T Y   /   M I N D S E T

| Intelligent | Protective | Equanimous | Laconic | Sly | Ambitious/Independent | Caustic | Manipulative/Troublemaker | Intolerant |

|Bullet; Green| Intelligent |

Intelligence is a complex part of Quintus. Naturally he is quick-witted with a memory that allows him to remember most everything that’s seems important, but it goes deeper than that. The roots of an intelligent mind are already there, given by the genetics of his parents, however they would be neglected if not for Quintus’s belief that knowledge is one of the most valuable forms of strength. This belief, paired with a constant curiosity and withdrawn demeanor, have created a sharply observant cat with an unusual level of focus for his age. Quintus has watchful eyes and sharp ears that are always tuned to his surroundings, listening for anything useful. He’s something of a master eavesdropper, and despite his intelligence Quintus is far from gullible. He absolutely hates being fooled, though fooling others is perfectly fine. For these reasons he also seeks knowledge for self-benefit. Quintus dislikes being mislead, so he believes that if he’s smarter than those who would fool him then he can’t be mislead. Lead by this belief, he studies everything he can in the most discreet way possible.

|Bullet; Green| Protective | 

Though he is the youngest of the litter, Quintus acts like a big brother to his siblings. They’re the only cats he’ll willingly get emotional for. Even around his parents, Quintus is never as open. Part of this protectiveness stems from a devotion to his family; they mean more than he could ever say. Part of it comes from his trust in them; he believes they would never try to hurt him, and part of it comes from his dislike of others he doesn’t know very well. It is hard for him to trust, so when there are cats he does trust, they are dear to him in a way no others can be. He would do anything for a cat he trusts, so he tries to protect them as best he can. However, like most things Quintus does, his devotion to others is hidden. He won’t make a show of jumping to defend someone, rather he’ll find a way to indirectly distract or divert the cat causing problems. Kits and disabled cats are the only ones he feels compelled to help whether he knows them or not. 

|Bullet; Green| Equanimous | 

A trait that singles Quintus out as the offspring of Cenek and D’ialia is his innate calm and even temper. Few situations can rile him, and he knows how to pick his battles. If it’s not worth fighting for, then it means nothing to him. He won’t do things without a purpose, though to others his actions may seem pointless, Quintus always has a motive. He isn’t nice for the sake of being nice, and he isn’t rude for the sake of being rude. Emotions play almost no role in his actions and outside composure, they are simply feelings. Part of the reason Quintus keeps such a grip on his composure is to avoid letting instinct compel him. Panic, fear, anger, nearly any emotion could lead him to an unwise choice, and unwise choices are signs of ignorance. To more outgoing cats he often seems cold or unfriendly. This can be a cause for unease because most kits are equally, if not more, outgoing than most adults. The stark contrast between rolling balls of fluff and Quintus is hard to miss.

|Bullet; White| Laconic | 

Vocalizations are not common to hear from Quintus. He rarely voices opinions, or anything for that matter. He’s not as quiet as other cats, but still far from garrulous. He will speak when spoken to and acknowledge acknowledgement, but Quintus is not one for long-winded exchanges. He places value on actions rather than words, therefore he prefers to get things done instead of talking about them. It is not only this belief in actions over words that keeps his words quiet and concise, Quintus believes that if you must be loud to be heard, then you’re not worth listening to, and if you’re not worth listening to then you’re not worth much. He developed this belief from observing his parents. His father is quiet and concise, yet very powerful. He admires the quiet in his father, and tries to emulate it in himself. D’ialia is slightly more emotional, but it is from her that he takes his dislike of pointless words.

|Bullet; White| Sly |

 One emotion or urge Quintus does enjoy is that of mischievousness. With his intelligence and interest in anything and everything, Quintus is constantly getting into things, like trouble. Though, at the same time, he’s often managing to get out things, like trouble. Fleet feet and an even quicker mind are his main allies in all mischievousness, from escaping kitsitters to pranking older cats. A successful escape or prank, to Quintus, is like confirmation of his intelligence and ability. He values the ability to be sneaky and elusive, it makes him feel powerful. If Quintus had a record for getting caught this trait wouldn’t have developed, but it’s like he was made for mischief. He’s quick-witted, fleet-footed, and a strategist at heart. He never goes into an escapade blind, he’s too small to run from almost any cat in camp and he knows it. Therefore, he never puts himself in a position where he’d need to run. Everything is planned before hand, down to what cats will be where, escape routes, and in worst case scenario, an alibi. As he matures this trait will evolve as well, though whether or not it will remain somewhat harmless is undetermined.

|Bullet; White| Ambitious/Independent | 

Just as Quintus values strength, he despises weakness. Relying on others is unacceptable unless absolutely necessary and he will do everything possible to avoid asking for help. Despite his age, Quintus is already looking ahead and he despises the idea being incapable. He aspires to be independent, just like his parents. If he can’t be independent, how can he hope to ambitious? Only weaklings use others to gain power. Quintus will earn his own strength and no one else is allowed to help him. No matter what. Quintus already believes that all cat’s should carry their own weight, and though he would never break face to criticize another, any cat he sees slacking off will have his secret ire. Despite his tendency to be mischievous, Quintus will never slack off. He would give everything before giving up, and his determination stems from a philosophy he carries. If you create more problems than you solve, then you’re pratically useless, and Quintus fears uselessness above everything except ignorance. Because, if you’re ignorant then how can you be helpful, and if you can’t be helpful then how can you be independent?

|Bullet; Red| Caustic | 

Scathing words and a relatively unfriendly nature are uncommon traits in kits, though in Quintus they are, without a doubt, present. He is capable of scathing comments and retorts formulated with every intention of sending the other cat off without regard to their feelings. Others’ moods generally don’t affect Quintus, similar to the way his own don’t affect him. However, though he is capable of beating others down, Quintus refrains from engaging in unpleasant conversations. Partly because he dislikes conversations in general, and partly because he would rather not get involved with other cats to the point of exchanging barbed words with them. That would mean being the center of attention and exposing himself to the scrutiny of anyone watching. Despite his dislike of squabbling, Quintus often ends up in unpleasant conversations due to his unfiltered, sarcastic way of conversing. He often states things others would avoid without a second thought. Social grace is not his forte and not something Quintus wishes to be skilled in. If there is a truth then he sees no problem stating it, whether others want to hear it or not. Whether he states it outright though, is dependent on the situation and his mood. If Quintus is feeling particularly clever or sly he’ll often drop veiled insults to stir up slight trouble. All of this he does with a stoic expression, as per usual. 

|Bullet; Red| Manipulative/Troublemaker | 

Manipulation is an odd quirk of Quintus’s. He enjoys testing his words against others, similar to the way he likes to study others, though in this case his studying is much more direct. What he will do is study a cat and try to learn about them bit by bit without being noticed. After a time, when he has a decent knowledge of the cat, Quintus will start a conversation and set to work. He doesn’t do anything serious, but Quintus enjoys predicting and facilitating certain reactions from cats as he speaks to them. It shows him how powerful words can be. Now, as a kit he’s not serious and his ‘manipulation’. It is more like trying to get away with his latest escapade, though at times he is highly successful. For the time being he is mostly unknowingly honing his skills for whatever may require them in the future. Until then he will most likely focus on pranks and missions and the best way to use his poker face and reasonable manner to get away with them. Quintus mainly does what he wants without much regard to rules.

|Bullet; Red| Intolerant |

With his high standards for intelligence, performance, cunning, independence, and basically success in general Quintus is quietly uptight about literally everything. He keeps is well hidden behind his laconic and equanimous demeanor, but it is there nonetheless. Most cats miss the slight twitch of his tail tip, or the minute grinding of his teeth, but it is there. So many imperfections irritate Quintus that if not for his withdrawn, calm attitude he would be everywhere at once trying to fix one thing or another. It’s not so much OCD, but more of a desire to hold everything to a high standard. Along with things, Quintus has a desire to fix cats. Not that he can, but incompetent cats without common sense irritate him. He won’t hang around cats that can’t handle the most basic tasks without stumbling and Quintus holds grudges without a second thought.


| Prologue
Previously Quintus was an itty-bitty lump of developing cells.

| Kithood |
As a kit Dakota - then Quintus - lived through the drought. He played with his siblings and was a rather unorthodox youngling.

| Apprenticeship |
Through his apprenticeship Dakota saw the drought pass, and the coming of the Golden-Butterflies Followers. He did not choose to join them, and did not participate in the raid. His mentor was absent often, and then passed away. Now, Alriyel is back. Dakota remained with Seraphiel in Pheasant Woods until the deputy was promoted to silver and they returned to Air Tribe's main camp.

| Adulthood |

To be continued through RP...


Parents | Cenek + D'ialia

Siblings | Primus (Left Tribes) | Secundus | Tertius (Left Tribes) | Quartus

Cousins |  

Ruhn | Blue-Green-Fire |

Obsidia | Orange-Shadow |

Kyle | Gray-Earth |

Flare | Kit, living in Light Tribe |

Bon | Kit, living in Light Tribe |

Zay | Kit, living in Light Tribe |

Snow | Kit, living in Light Tribe |

Aunts + Uncles |

Jazlyn | Black-Light | Half-aunt on mother’s side |

Seren | Orange-Earth | Half-aunt on mother’s side |

Yossarian | Gray-Earth |

Sullivan | Green-Shadow | Half-uncle on mother’s side |

Rey | Silver-Earth | Half-uncle on mother’s side |

Stephano | Green-Shadow |

Mate | None

Offspring | None


Orientation | Straight

Preferences | Unknown
Status | Not Looking



| Studying, Learning, Playing God...
| Prey: ---
| Season: ---
| Color: ---
| Plant: ---
| Locations: ---
| Scent: ---
| Weather: ---
| Cat: ---

Least Favorites

| Needy Cats, Stupidity, Over-emotional Cats
| Prey: ---
| Season: ---
| Color: ---
| Plant: ---
| Locations: ---
| Scent: ---
| Weather: ---
| Cat: ---

Theme Songs

| ----


| Rejection by Family
| Failure to Carry His Own Weight
| Sudden Bursts of Sound
| Being Crushed


| If he doesn’t know a cat then he doesn’t feel any allegiance to them, therefore he may refuse to help them if they are in a minor amount of trouble.
| The subject he loves studying most is other cats. Trying to predict their behavior and reactions is a form of entertainment for him. 
| If you have to be loud then you're not worth listening to.
| If you cause more problems than you solve then you're not worth much.
| If you can't carry your own weight then you're a unnecessary weight to the tribes.
| Kits and Disabled Cats always deserve help and gentleness.
| Family members would never purposefully hurt or betray one another.
| Give loyalty sparingly so you may never have to betray it.


| He loves lightning though it sudden cracks of it will spook him

| Light and reflective things in general interest him

| He thinks his twin is interesting but he's not giving them any special treatment just yet

| Secretly he didn't want to stay in Shadow-Tribe so he could go and start somewhere without being under the shadow of his parents


Heart Chart | Pending

R O L E P L A Y   I N F O R M A T I O N

Sample | From an Ongoing RP with 3Tawnystripe in :iconthe-golden-butterfly:

[ Green-Shadow / Tule / Shadow - Tribe Camp ]

He is floating in a dusky mass, it’s particles suspend him weightlessly. Cream fur floats up and around, some tufts clumping while others disperse into a wet, cottony carpet. Inside his tufted ears a pressure is present. From above there is light, it’s source is indiscernible, but the beams filter down despite the anonymity of their creation. They land upon his whiskers, his fur, his eyes, creating a softly glowing outline while highlighting Tule’s lucid dream. The landscape morphs to his will, bending, plunging, changing temperature and density. He has done this before, this manipulation of a dream. It comes easily now, a mental twist and twitch that can move mountains of thought. He swims carelessly forwards. Breath, in it’s wakeful necessity, does not bestir his body. Tule cannot not imagine how breathing water might feel, so he chooses not dream an impossible experience. 

From above a distorted sound echoes through the blue. Layers of sleep cloud it’s origin, but the vibrations still thrum though his ears. Tule stops, denying his momentum a realistic petering out. An upwards twist to the left and blue eyes search for something beyond the black surface of sleep. ‘That sound...’ The thought echoes around the Green-Shadow in whispering fragments. Bouncing off the walls of his mind it lingers with the scrap of noise that first disturbed him. What was it? What caused it? Where had it come from? 

Shadowy masses begin to circle the floating cat, representing the thoughts and questions of his consciousness. In their wake cloudy trails linger like ink. More come and whispers begin to crowd Tule’s mind. Wakefulness tugs him; the sight of his dream begins to fade. 

Back in Shadow Tribe’s camp, the guard’s eyes open slowly, and blue irises take in reality. A slight wind is ruffling through his pelt and someone, somewhere, has set sand to falling. The whispering of tan grains falling over each other intermingles with quiet paw steps. The sound is faint, only a slight crunching. It is unlikely anyone else was woken by it. ‘And that may have been a good thing...’ Tule reasons while rising silently.

On silent paws, he follows the path his deputy took out of camp. ‘What could be troubling her?’ It may be an invasion of privacy, him following her, but he moves on anyways. Worry propels the guard and he intends to know what has his friend moving at such a late hour. A trot moves the tom more quickly, and when his superior comes into sight the tom breaks the night silence. “Sojir.” the whisper floats forwards, followed by unspoken and unexplained emotions of worry and concern. The guard doesn’t try to voice them, they are evident in his eyes, the way his brow creases, and in the masked tightness of his soft interjection.

*Note: This is a semi-funky post from an RP I did in which my friend and I challenged each other to only write in the present tense, just for funsies. ^^;

Edit: 9/22/14 - Updated Age to 1yr with Summer Season
Edit: 11/9/14 - Updated Age to 1 Cycle 3 Moons with Autumn Season
Edit: 6/29/15 - Updated App Art and Age to 1 Cycle 9 Moons with Summer Season Start

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PenumbralWolf's avatar
Ah, now that he's Orpheus' mentor, want to do an rp? ;w;